Welcome to a public online gallery of my work. This blog is just another way for me to get my work out to the public. Please feel free to share my blog with friends and family who you think would enjoy some of the pieces I have created. I love all kinds of feed back so don't be afraid to speak your mind or share your opinion on any of my pieces. So, without further ado, please feel free to browse and make yourself at home.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Surreal Portrait
Surreal portrait I started at class but finished at home. This was a photo of one of my friends, I wasn't too sure on what to do with this assignment, but then I decided to do a sugar skull type thing. I used a reference picture of a basic skull and then free handed the design onto his face using the brush tool with a light gray color that had very low opacity. It was very difficult at first as I started using a mouse, but then I switched over to using a surface pro 4 that had a pen attachment which made the entire process so much easier. And much like the last one, I swapped his eyes as well with the same person I used for the last assignment.
Photoshop Face Swap
Simple photoshop assignment that I completed in class. I didn't want to swap the entire faces of two different people, so I shot two pictures of my classmates and only swapped their eyes. So after editing, this was the outcome. Overall I'm pretty happy with the edit and I think it's pretty believable.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Black and White Painting Part 3
Part 3 of my black and white acrylic painting series. This one is a little different from the other two because I added some different kinds of texture on the forehead area using a mix of cotton balls and tissue paper saturated in white acrylic paint. I think it gives the painting a bit of an edge and a distinct look.
Black and White Painting
This is one of three paintings I did. They're acrylic on canvas, and all of them were done using only black acrylic paint. It was definitely a challenge trying to keep all the lines clean and not smear any of the paint, but I really enjoyed painting all of them because it was something different that I had never tried before. Overall, I think they turned out very well.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Traditional Native American Art
Some ink illustrations. This is a more modern version of a traditional Navajo Yei bi Chei piece. it's done on cardboard and I used a large variety of markers and pens including, sharpies, inks, alcohol based, paint markers, and ball point pens. Because of the brown tone of the cardboard, the pinks didn't come out as vibrant as I wanted them too, but I think the overall composition turned out much better then I had planned.
Ethnic Diversity
Acrylic on canvas. Just trying to paint some different ethnicities and experiment with different skin tones. I think I could have done her eyes differently now that I see the finished product, but overall I'm happy with the colors and shading. The accent colors framing the picture are a little on the weird side, not really sure what I was trying to do, but I think the piece turned out as close to how I originally envisioned it.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Winter Soldier Stencil
Two layer stencil of "The Winter Soldier" character from the Marvel Captain America comics. Not a super detailed cut, but the stars were definitely a bit of a challenge. It's a spray paint stencil done on small sheets of cardboard. Overall I think it's a good print even though some of the lines are a bit fuzzy.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Ink llustration
Some ink and marker illustration I did over the summer. I did three different pieces, this being the very first. The inspiration for these pieces came from a candy store that I went too while visiting family In Seattle, Washington. They were done in variety of different pens including ball point, felt tip, sharpie, Crayola, and alcohol based pens.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Anatomy Practice
This is just some basic anatomy drawing. I've never been super great at drawing anatomically correct bodies, but you can only get better with practice. This was done in Adobe Illustrator using the pen tool. I think the shading could be cleaner and the highlights could be brighter but besides that I think it turned out pretty well for a first try.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Twenty One Pilots inspired stencil
A four-layer stencil I made. It's a pretty simple cut but there were a number of small detail cuts I had to do around the ribs on the chest. The first print (on the left side) didn't print very well but the second one came out much better. There was a small mistake where one of his ribs didn't show up on the second print, but besides that I'm very happy with the outcome of this piece. I printed both on 8x11 pieces of cardboard using spray paint and sharpie to clean up lines.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Another prosthetic using liquid latex and cotton. This was a project I did for my older sister. It took about 3 hours with including making the prosthetic, painting it, application, and dry time.
Going down.
Eye of the Beholder
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Guard Tower #13
Jersey Devil.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
"Skull Candy."
"Soft Hues"
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Clique art
This piece is done on 14x17 sketch book paper. I used a variety of Writer markers, Bic pens, felt tips, alcohol markers, and micro-lines. It is inspired by the band, Twenty One Pilots.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
"Tree of life"
Illustration of a tree. I used a variety of markers and felt tip pens to ink and color the sketch. It's done on simple 8.5x11 sketch book paper. Not quite sure what I was trying to achieve, but I'm pretty happy with it.